The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Google Ads

Google Ads is an online advertising platform created by Google. It allows businesses to create and run ads on the Google Search Network, Display Network, YouTube, and other partner sites. With Google Ads, businesses can reach their target audience with text, images, video, and interactive ads.

All tailored to the user’s search queries or interests. Businesses can also track the performance of their ads by setting up conversion tracking, which helps them measure how effective their campaigns are.


Why Use Google Ads?

Google Ads is an effective way to promote products or services, generate leads and sales, and build brand recognition. It can be used by businesses of any size, from small local stores to large international corporations.

Creating a Google Ads account is simple and straightforward. You just need to provide some basic information about your business and create an initial budget. From there, you can start setting up campaigns and ad groups to reach your desired audience. Alternatively, an SEO agency like The Website Space can help with this.


Understanding Campaign Structure in Google Ads

Before creating a campaign, it is important to understand the different types of campaigns and how they work. There are two main types of campaigns: search network and display network.

For the search network, businesses can create ads based on specific keywords and negative keywords to ensure their message reaches users searching for relevant terms. Ads also appear in Google Shopping, Google Maps, and other Google products.

For the display network, businesses can choose ad types such as text ads, image ads, video ads, and interactive ads to reach people who have clicked on your ads before or who are likely interested in similar topics. Businesses can also target specific audiences based on interests or demographics.


Keyword Research and Selection

When putting together a Google Ads campaign, keywords play an important role. Choosing the right keywords for your campaigns is essential to ensure that your ads appear in the search results pages of people who are looking for relevant products or services. To do this, businesses should conduct keyword research by analysing their current market and competitors to identify which terms are most commonly used in searches related to their business.

Once the research is complete, businesses should then select the keywords that are most relevant to their products or services and create an ad group for each keyword. This will make it easier to track performance and optimise campaigns for better results.


Creating Effective Ad Copy

Ad copy is the text used in an ad, and it should be tailored to the target audience’s needs. To create effective ad copy, businesses should focus on writing clear and concise messages that emphasise the benefits of their products or services.

It should also include a call-to-action to encourage users to click through to the website. Ad copy should be tested and tweaked over time to ensure that it is generating the best possible results.


Setting Campaign Budgets and Bidding

Before launching an ad campaign, businesses should set a budget and decide on the bidding strategy they want to use. This will help ensure that campaigns are running within their budget and generating the best possible ROI.

Businesses can choose from manual or automatic bidding strategies depending on their goals. They should also monitor campaigns regularly to make sure they are running efficiently and achieving the desired results.


Targeting Your Audience

When creating campaigns, businesses should consider who their target audience is and tailor ads to them. This can be done by using demographic targeting such as age, gender, location or even interests.

Businesses should also measure the performance of their campaigns on a regular basis to identify areas for improvement and optimise their ad copy accordingly.


Tracking Your Conversion Rate

To measure the success of a Google Ads campaign, businesses should track their conversion rate. This is the number of people who have clicked through to your website and completed an action such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.

Using cost-per-click (CPC) bidding can help businesses track their conversion rate more easily. They should also set up tracking codes to monitor the performance of their campaigns and quickly identify any issues that need to be addressed.


Optimising Your Campaigns

Once a Google Ads campaign is up and running, businesses should optimise it regularly to ensure they are getting the best possible results. This can include testing different ad copy and adjusting bids, keywords, and targeting settings.

Businesses should also analyse data from previous campaigns to identify where improvements can be made and consider using automated tools such as Smart Bidding or Conversion Optimiser to further optimise their campaigns.

A/B testing is a type of experiment that businesses can use to test two different variants of an ad or campaign. This allows them to compare how each variant performs and determine which one works best for their business.

When creating A/B tests, businesses should consider which elements they want to test such as the ad copy, keywords, targeting settings or even the landing page. This will help them identify which changes are generating the best results and optimise their campaigns for better performance.

Businesses should also run A/B tests over a period of time to ensure they get accurate and reliable data. They should also monitor their campaigns regularly to ensure that any changes they make are done quickly to affect the outcome of the campaign positively.



By following these simple steps you will have a basic google ad campaign. The same with anything in this field, the tools are accessible for everyone but it is the years of experience that The Website Space have using these tools and perfecting their craft that means we should be the company for you.

We always listen to your opinion and value that in order to tailor the campaign that is right for you and right for your business. But you will also see tangible benefits with regular reporting and feedback given. Contact us today for more info!